he/they :3 | I'm pretty much perma-invisible so keep that in mind.
Simple Sniper Solutions
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461 ώρες παιχνιδιού
A few more reasons not to play if the swaths of negative reviews haven't convinced you :

- Leavers

- Throwers

- People Who Can't Leave So They Throw

- De-rankers (bots who throw so streamers can have bronze 5 accounts for bronze to gms)

- Bad Hero Balance (despite there being a perfect template for how to make a well-balanced* hero shooter that takes skill now on the same platform (TF2) because the devs want to cater more to streamers, whales, and morons who think hitscan is the epitome of skill instead of making every hero equally viable regardless of weapon archetype (look at Reaper's unplayably large spread for example because "ShOtGunS TaKE No SKilL" so Reaper is made terrible at every range except literally point-blank against large targets but it's perfectly fine if the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ instakill sniper hero Widowmaker can still oneshot any hero except tanks and Bastion/Torb at pretty much any range on effectively a 1 second cooldown even after Season 9, the patch designed to remove oneshots from the game (because "SniPer RifLeS aRe SKiLL-BaSeD anD HarD tO UsE" despite them taking objectively the least skill to get kills with compared to every other weapon archetype). Also most other sniper / mid-to-long-range heroes are just as strong or stronger as their close range counterparts at close range, and some of them even gain oneshot combos when engaging them at melee range (s76, ashe, cassidy, hanzo for example can all combo tracer and hanzo/ashe can combo 250hp targets at melee range. ) ), and then the streamers turn around and say garbage like "tHe GaMe CaN NeVeR bE 100% BalANCeD" and defend blizzard's absurd decisions to nerf the worst heroes in the game and buff the best ones because they're getting things under the table from blizzard to not abandon their game for a more fun / profitable one (fortnite/cs) or they just legitimately don't understand how to balance a hero shooter (the answer is both for Jay3 and Flats, morons the both of them and a blight on the community, but most other content creators don't have measurably more sane opinions (E.x. putting the worst DPS in the game since launch in 2016 (Symmetra) in any tier but F (most content creators have her at C-B tier, ( meaning good in most situations ) alongside Torbjorn who is actually a B-tier Damage Hero ) and complaining/overexaggerating every time she gets tiny buffs or changes until they are reverted less than a week later ) )

- Even Worse Matchmaking Designed to Make You Lose

- Toxic Community (rampant LGBTQ-phobia and racism/sexism even on the official forums)

- Predatory Monetization (microtransactions and a battle pass (Oh, and remember when Symmetra had her minuscule buff of 15dps on her primary fire reverted less than a week after it was implemented? Blizzard made sure to feature a rare Symmetra skin in the shop that day which was 100% intentional and incredibly dickish. ) )

If the game was well-balanced / had a decent matchmaker that doesn't force losses / had systems to discourage leavers that actually worked you could just turn off chat and not buy anything and it would be a perfectly playable game but Blizzard really wants to make sure you become as bitter, reactionary, and unintelligent as the streamers they pay to shill their game by making this game exceptionally annoying to attempt to play, even casually and in moderation.

If you want to play a class-based hero shooter in 2024, Team Fortress 2 is still the best option.
Προθήκη κριτικών
3 ώρες παιχνιδιού
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME IF YOU PLAN TO PLAY WITH A MOUSE AND KEYBOARD (aka the only good way to play a dead space game)

The mouse aim is basically unusable, with heavy mouse acceleration making it nigh-on impossible to move the cross-hair any faster than a snail frozen in molasses. I tried editing the config files using the PcGamingWiki fix for the mouse acceleration and even after setting the files to read-only (a fix that works most of the time in even the most drastic reconfiguration difficulties) nothing changed. Apparently this fix worked sometime in the past, so at some point, Visceral must've gone in and patched this out, intentionally or unintentionally.
I was hoping for a decent experience, even after the negative attention the game got for being too gunplay-heavy, as the weapons were my favorite part of the first two games (both of which I have fully completed on Hard and Survivalist respectively), and I was looking forward to using the customization system, but
this input issue prevented me from even getting past the intro section of the game because of how terrible the mouse acceleration is. Sure, it's arguably playable, but just barely. It feels like your mouse is stuck in mud or something and fast flicks (like quickly turning 180 if something spawns behind you for example) are downright impossible.

TLDR Visceral really should've tried to make a better mouse aiming system for the PC port because ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this is downright terrible and none of the community fixes work anymore, which means they patched them out at some point.

EDIT : A minor workaround that makes the game slightly more playable:

cap the game to 60fps
turn ingame sens up to 100
lower your mouse dpi to around 300-500
lower the polling rate to 125 or lower

This seemingly gets rid of most of the positive acceleration, but there is still significant negative acceleration that makes it impossible to turn quickly.
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